

The artist as a genius is a myth of the 19th century. As is the conception of an exhibition solely being the result of a curatorial achievement. In particular in the case of an exhibition, it is a co-creative, collaborative effort.

Many thanks go to Rosa Stern Space – Rosanna Pondorf, Simon Sternal and Kalas Liebfried – for accepting the invitation to present a throwback to their exhibition “Drawing Restrict. A Growing Exhibition” as an exhibition within the exhibition – on an exhibition. In consonance with the theme of the Artists’ Home Office.

Likewise, a great thank you to Bianca Kennedy, Dalila Gonçalves, James Webb, Martin Klimas and Oh Soek Kwon as well as to a Munich private collection and Galerie Kampl for entrusting us with loans for the exhibition, and the very enthusiastic, hands-on and pragmatic approach to a pop-up installation!

The represented artists or their estates or gallerists provided personal input to the catalogues on short notice, thank you very much for that!

The fabulous installation team made it happen, and surpassed itself – estimating the three allocated days for installing more than 40 works (not counting the Rosa Stern Space) ambitious, they made it in two. Thank you very much, Susi G., Andrea S., Niko A., Hans-Peter G., Hansi S., Oh Soek K. and Max B.!

Knights in shining armor were Joseph Köttl and his son Quirin: proposing an exhibition with 24 video or media works would be daunting for any institution. They successfully made it happen, with creative support by Susi G. and Niko A. in devising the best player strategy. On top, Joseph Köttl supported the exhibition with a significant equipment loan: thousand thanks!

We are also indebted to Benita Meißner and Deutsche Gesellschaft für christliche Kunst for additional equipment loan.

Andrés Hurt remains the unquestioned king of Munich art transports and was pivotal in bringing artworks and equipment on site from seven places in the city.

Dirk Tacke excelled as usual in taking the installation shots that visually guide you through this brochure. All pictures herein were taken by him unless otherwise stated.

Alexandra Forciniti spontaneously followed our invitation to capture the making of – thank you for the impressions of Day 2, Alex!

Annette B. shepherded all the input from artists that created the foundation for the catalogues, and fed the Instagram account of Living Art.

Scott Watson relentlessly worked through the night to make it happen that three catalogues could be presented for this pop-up exhibition just in time.

Our profound thanks go also to Ilma B. for tackling the website.

A profound acknowledgment of the honorary mentor of exhibition makers, Nir Altman!

Credits are also due to Sandra Dürr and her Heinrich Matters/Fräulein Grüneis: mens sana in corpore sana, and their hospitality is unsurpassed.

Last not least, thanks to all who supported and encouraged us in our pursuit of the project with enthusiasm, ideas, and motivation, and with the joint interest in art.

Thank you to all!

Munich, October 2020
Dr. Christian B. Fulda & Dr. Isabella Grahsl, contemporary art lovers


A special thanks to all our partners, who tremendously helped us in bringing Living Art alive:

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